
#1 Mistake CBD Vape Pen Users Make

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Vaping is a safer way to consume nicotine than smoking. Tobacco cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients that, when burned, create over 10,000 chemicals.

America loves CBD. From the west coast to the eastern seaboard, hemp, CBD, and other hemp derived products are now legal thanks to a reclassification by the federal government as part of the farm bill. While there are numerous different types of CBD infused products available to the public, vaping CBD tends to be one of the most common ways to utilize the cannabinoid.

With all these new users, there are bound to be a lot of mishandling. Much like how it became "common knowledge" that you shake Polaroid pictures (fun fact: shaking your-polaroid is the worst thing you can possibly do) there are many practices of new CBD users that are becoming common place, but will ruin the CBD and the product it is in.

What Is #1 Mistake CBD Users Make?

The number one mistake users of CBD products make is leaving them in their car. This is especially true if you use a vape pen for your CBD. While this is primarily a mistake in the summer or hotter climates, it can be a problem in cold weather as well. People have a habit of leaving things they don't need, especially things like vape rigs, cigarettes, and lighters in their vehicle for safe keeping. However, you can ruin the CBD if you leave it in your car.

Why You Shouldn't Leave Your CBD Vape in Car?

You shouldn't leave your CBD "ape pen in your car for the same reason you shouldn't leave your pet or your child, it gets too hot. If you look on YouTube, you will find hundreds if not millions of videos of people baking or cooking things in their cars.

A parked car can gain 40 degrees in the first half hour of being parked in the sun. If it is just 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside, after 30 minutes your car will be over wo degrees. The hotter it gets outside, and the longer your car sits, the hotter it gets inside.

Why Is Heat Dangerous? Don't Vapes Heat CBD?

Vaping works by heating the fluid in the vape cartridge using an atomizer to create an inhalable vapor. The heat is what activates the CBD by means of decarboxylation. Decarboxylation is how they transform the naturally occurring CBD-A into the CBD that your body can use.

Unfortunately, because the car will cook your CBD vape oil, it will diminish the effectiveness of the CBD. After a long while in the heat the CBD will be ineffective as a helper in your health goals. CBD can get expensive, and unless your hobby is throwing money away, its best to avoid wining it if you have a choice.

What about Cold Weather, CBD and Automobiles?

Cold weather, CBD, and automobiles, sounds like an interesting sequel to the Steve Martin flick, but you'd be better off trying to cross the country for Thanksgiving with a talkative salesman than leaving your CBD in the car-while it's cold outside.

Storing CBD in the fridge can be a good way to store your CBD vape oil for longer durations; however, freezing it is not recommended. While it is an oil, there are other additives in the CBD "ape oil that can degrade in the cold. Additionally, the cold can adversely affect the glass, cause the oil to become too thick to use, or even ruin the atomizer.