
7 Effective Ways to Stop Smoking

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From the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, to reducing the risk of lung cancer and COPD, the benefits of quitting smoking are clear. Unfortunately, actually giving up this dangerous habit is far from easy. Studies have shown that nicotine is as addictive, if riot more, than heroin and other street drugs, so kicking the habit is about more than just willpower.

Even so, there are things you can do to increase the odds of success. In today's day and age, few long-time smokers smoke by choice; they are in the throes of a serious addiction. If you want to tip the odds in your favor, you need to think ahead, enlist the support of family and friends and take a holistic approach to your health.

Since May is Asthma Awareness Month, now is perfect opportunity to reexamine the reasons you smoke and start to turn yourself into a non-smoker. Here are seven effective ways to kick the habit for good, so you can enjoy a healthier and happier life. Identify your triggers. Do you smoke first thing in the morning? Do you light up when you are stressed? Do your hands simply need something to do? Identifying what triggers you to smoke is a vital first step; once you know what causes you to smoke, you can work to overcome your personal triggers.

Harness the power of social media. Sites like Facebook and Twitter can be very powerful tools, so enlist your online friends in the struggle to become a non-smoker. The online community you have built can hold you accountable when you fail while inspiring you to succeed. Get the support of family members and friends. The people who love you have a vested interest in your quitting smoking, so getting their support should not be difficult. Talk to your loved ones about your plans and how you plan to succeed.

Talk to your doctor. There have been enormous medical advances in smoking cessation, from specialty medications and nicotine patches to psychological support and behavior modification. Talk to your doctor about your smoking habits and your quest to kick the habit. You may be surprised at what you learn.

Find your motivation. If you want to succeed in your quest, you need the right m motivation, so think about what inspires you. Find a picture of your child to the dashboard to stop you from lighting up in the car. Picture yourself walking your-daughter down the aisle at her wedding. These personal motivations mean a lot, and they can help you succeed even if you have failed in the past.

Take it one day at a time.