
Not Scared to Try a Cigarette?

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Break the Hold Smoking Has Over Your Life and Finally Be Free

No matter why you originally started to smoke, whether it was because you wanted to fit in or you thought it made you look cool, it eventually became an addiction that you couldn't kick. And when you fast forward to today, it turns out that it's a very expensive addiction that is very unpopular in offices and public places so you have to sneak around to have a cigarette.

The heaviest cost of smoking is the one you know you will pay in future years when you develop lung cancer and other-breathing disorders, many that will eventually result in your death. Of course, you already know these dire predictions, but it's an addiction and you can't stop smoking.

Smoking is such a powerful addiction because you not only become physically addicted but there is also a mental addiction. Tobacco's nicotine is an incredibly powerful drug that courses through your blood as you inhale smoke into your lungs.

Even more important, this is not just an issue for cigarette smokers. Pipe smokers and those who chew tobacco are also at risk. They all contain nicotine, which is a stimulant that is also psychoactive. That means it works directly on the impulses in your brain.

Most long-term smokers will say that smoking reduces their stress and calms their nerves The problem is that they are experiencing a temporary stimulation of their pleasure center and will soon reach the level where they will need more and more nicotine to keep getting that effect.

This means your body expects nicotine and is dependent on it for you to feel normal. So you will be very uncomfortable when you try to withdraw this stimulant. That is why quitting is extremely difficult. Nicotine is actually just as addictive as some illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. Some experts even say it is more addictive than those substances.

Becoming addicted to nicotine is also an insidious process. When you first start smoking, you probably didn't think you would become addicted and then, suddenly, you are hooked. And now your body is holding many years of nicotine overload that it's very difficult to get rid of.

Most hardcore smokers will try at least three times to stop smoking before they are successful. And in the process, they are always looking for the next patch or drug that might help them painlessly stop smoking.

It has been shown that over 80% of smokers began to smoke as teenagers, and the longer they smoke the greater the damage they will inflict on their bodies. There is, however, some good news. When you do quit, you almost immediately feel better. Studies show that smokers who quit will actually lower their heart disease risk after 15 years smoke-free.